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Mara Papiyas

Shinza Banshou

Hajun's History

Over 8000 years ago, during the era of the Fifth Heaven, the Samsara Vartin cult decided to try to supplant it with a new god. Purchasing a boy that did not react to outside stimuli, they gave this boy the divine title Hajun before mummifying him while he was still alive and burying him within a five-fold mausoleum that didn't allow a sliver of light to penetrate it.

But Hajun's soul was far more powerful than the cult realized. The world or its sensations did not matter to him and he only sought the feeling of solitude. But the phantom sensation of the twin brother he absorbed in his mother's womb, simply known as the Tumor, continued to irritate him. Thus this embodiment of self-love and narcissism began to lash out as his soul ascended to godhood.

Mistaking the feeling of his twin brother's remnants for the touch of the Fifth Heaven, he forcibly seized the Throne and slaughtered Marie, Reinhard and Mercurius before any of them could react, sparing only Ren (but that was only because he was too absorbed in his narcissism to even acknowledge Ren's existence).

From then on he continuously attempted to enact his Law to achieve total isolation, with his efforts only being halted by Ren's, now known as Tenma Yato's, law.

8000 years later, Hajun's influence was still felt across Ashihara no Nakatsukuni, especially its western half, Shinshuu, where people still lived. Affected by Hajun's law, the people only cared for themselves. Despite this, the Eastern Expedition was assembled for the purpose of taking down the Yatsukahagi, unknowing of their true purpose or Hajun. Yakou Madara would be hijacked by Hajun and turned into a Sensory, being granted a Heveanly Eye and his own Taikyoku, only to have them taken away by Hajun after his fight, and death, against Tenma Ootake.

Once Tenma Yato is killed, Hajun's law resumed. Nakanoin Reizen, being a man who embodied the Way of the Tengu, became Hajun's Sensory and devoted himself to the new Heaven, leading to a fight between him and Habaki. As Reizen starts to lose, Hajun calls him trash and casts him aside as well, ultimately cementing Reizen's death.

The Eastern Expedition would then confront Hajun, who would attempt to kill them with the laws of the previous gods. Overcoming those, they manage to find and remove the Tumor without Hajun's knowledge. In a final showdown between the mad god and Habaki, Hajun is ultimately defeated once and for all.