===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====

Henry Wu

Henry Wu

Jurassic Park

Henry Wu's History

Henry Wu is a Chinese American from Ohio with a PhD from Oklahoma State University. He was a senior member of InGen's project to recreate the dinosaurs. Dr. Wu and Dr. Charlotte Lockwood were the top minds in the project.

Wu decided to use the DNA of several species of amphibians, including the common reed frog (Hyperolius viridiflavus), to supplement the dinosaur DNA. The first prehistoric animal was cloned in 1986. Wu also decided to build in a few safety measures. The dinosaur chromosomes were designed such that all animals were female, so they could not reproduce. He also made the dinosaurs unable to produce Lysine, so they would die without the supplements in their food.

Wu is a very devout and intelligent scientist. He shows a lot of fascination and pride in the dinosaurs he helped genetically engineer. However, he also expresses a frustration at not being allowed to innovate, which leads him to ally with Vic Hoskins to create the Indominus rex. Also, he seems heartless, as he shows minimal sympathy over the deaths of people caused by the Indominus rex, simply dismissing them as "unfortunate." He can be very impatient and easily frustrated.