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Star Wars Universe

HK-47's History

A self-sentient killing machine, HK-47 was far more than an ordinary combat droid. Created four thousand years ago, he came equipped with a devastating arsenal of high-powered weaponry, a ruthless and single-minded pursuit of his termination targets, and a pre-programmed disregard for all organic life. This Hunter-Killer model is one of the most dangerous assassins in the galaxy.

And yet, he was also a protocol droid.

The incongruity did not go unnoticed, even by HK-47. For a time, his memory was partially wiped, and he could not piece together his history. He knew that he just wanted to blast a few "meatbags," but the droid wasn't sure exactly why he wanted to do that. Or how he came to regard organic life as "meatbags." Or why he was so well equipped to gleefully dish out violence.

Instead, HK-47 found himself in a droid shop in Anchorhead, part of the Ithorian Yuka Laka's inventory of goods. The HK model was rumored to have been created by Czerka Corporation to eliminate the heads of rival companies. Units such as these were quite capable of laying waste to an entire building in an effort to dispose of a single target. This wanton carnage, combined with the tendency of the droid's previous owners to come to rather gruesome ends, has led most civilized planets to issue explicit bans on all HK-model assassin droids.

But there was more to HK-47 than that. In truth, HK-47 belonged to Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith. Revan gave HK-47 the programming necessary to make the droid fluent in the difficult language of Tatooine's Sand People. It was HK-47 that helped Revan locate the ancient Star Forge map on Tatooine. To cover these tracks, Revan wiped the droid's memory of those events; ironically, the Sith Lord's memories would be wiped too.

HK-47 would help Revan again once the droid was reawakened. The droid had a strong sense of loyalty. He would obey his master to the letter of the instruction, even if the Revan wanted to tinker around in his chest and try to unlock some of the droid's hidden memories and capabilities.