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How are you liking the Moon Knight series?

Created by MarvelBoy107, 2 y 8 mo 30 d ago.

That last 15 mins in the 4 episode was insane.


Galactus 2 y 7 mo 9 d
How are you liking the Moon Knight series?
8+ year member
I've started watching Moon Knight last night. Watched three episodes. This is my first time seeing/knowing anything about MK. It's interesting.
I've watched Venom: Carnage right before this, so I saw some likeness. Both having double (or tripple) personalities. The acting is a lot better though. Oscar Isaac nails both main characters.
Three episodes is the minimum to judge a series if I want to keep watching. I will, since the acting is absolutely great. Not sure about the story yet. I did like Hawkeye a little bit better after three episodes.
We'll see how I will rate this series.
Last edited: 2025 y 1 mo 21 d ago.
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xerodeep 2 y 7 mo 8 d
How are you liking the Moon Knight series?
71 months member
Oscar Isaac is a phenominal actor. Grossly under-used as Poe Dameron. Should have had a Han Solo level presence. Nails Moon Knight and his multiple personalities! Ethan Hawke does a really good job as Arthur Harrow too.
Last edited: 2025 y 1 mo 21 d ago.
RihoAEW 2 y 8 mo 16 d
How are you liking the Moon Knight series?
46 months member
I'm finding the first 2 episodes hard to get through. Pacing is slow. Product/music is amazing. So are the costumes. Marc Spector is just way too badass compared to Steven Grant. Grant's dialogue (or monologues) aren't realistic, in fact they are pretentious. Ethan Hawke looks and acts like Scott William Winters now. Disclaimer: I loved reading Moon Knight in the 80s.
Last edited: 2025 y 1 mo 21 d ago.