===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====

Ice Age

Jason Frese

Ice Age's powers and abilities

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Ice Age believe it or not is very powerful . He can easily freeze a entire star over . He can harm beings such as Fire Damon and Father Spirit . Just his strength alone can break a moon in half . He can create a eternal Ice Age on a solar system if he wanted to . He can freeze fire in its place he can also freeze time to his liking . His ice can only be melted by Hellion Fire or Energy above Thanoes Infinity Gauntlet

Speed: Hypersonic in his base state, Massively Hypersonic+ as Black Ice FTL as full power, when he moved to the Hellion in 45 seconds to fight Fire Damon that put him at C�?2500

Lifting Strength: in his base,He can 50,000lbs ,Black Ice he can lift 200,000lbs, At full power 600,000lbs

'Striking Strength: Building at Base, Large Country at Black Ice, Small Planet level at Full Power

Durability: Planetary at Base, Star at Black Ice, Galactic level at Full Power,

Stamina: Vast Superhuman

Range: Solar Systemic

Standard Equipment:

He wields the Mystical Blade known as Ancestral . It is powerful enough to destroy a universe . It can kill ancient gods and blast energy from within it . His Ice could also be used as he can make weapons out of them . They are just as durable as Vibranium

Intelligence: He is a Super Genius . Smarter than Iron Man , Cyborg and Reed Richards combined


Hellion Fire : It harms any glacianite . It is the only thing capable of melting Ice Ages Ice

Supersonic Waves


Froze a black hole (League of Justice : Infinite Evil #3)

Went from 0 to Mach 500 in 2.4 seconds (Ice Age : No Place like Home)

Went toe to toe with Fire Damon (Ice & Fire #2)

Froze over hell�?�..Literally (Ice & Fire #4)

His ice shield blocked a blast from Blazar (Varosverse War 2 #3)

Stated to be one if the most powerful beings on earth ( Forbidden Worlds )

Overpowered Flamer (Ice Age : No place Like home)

Took a dip in the sun like it was nothing (Varosverse War 2 #1)

Understands Spirits Physiology (Ice Age : No place like home )

Tanked a hit from Star Storms (Varosverse War 2 #1


Moved faster than lightning (Ice Age No place like home)

Notable Attacks/Techniques:


He has control over any form of liquid . His ice can cool down stars and freeze time . It makes him immune to disease and radiation due to his body being cool . He can also produce water or ice outve thin air with no humidity at all

Healing Factor

His regenerative powers are great . He stated he could regent from a single cell . He can instantly regenerate limbs and wounds . He can also heal frostbite on others

Agility/Spatial Awareness

He can go from one movement to another with eases . He can dodge attacks and

Move places without even looking . He can feel the slightest movement withib the air and can see his surroundings . Kinda like Daredevil .

Martial Arts

He is knowledgeable in nearly every martial art known to man . He can also figure out weak points within his opponent rendering them vulnerable

Light Blast

He can absorb the light around him and create a huge blast . Also known as the Stellar Blast . It takes time to build up that much energy though . Around 5 seconds

But it is catastrophic being compared to a nuclear bomb

Ice Blast

He can shoot out a ice blast that makes anywhere within a 10 mile radius snow

Ice Age cannot be put down by telepaths or mind controlled, as his mind is too advanced as glaciantites as he manages to keep his mind clear but at the same time a flgenius. As the reason Tyton could not control him

Key: Base - Black Ice- - Full Power


All powers listed above

Level - Solar Systemic

Black Ice

He becomes enraged with all his emotions and snaps . This is somewhat of a bloodlusted Ice Age . Power increases 100fold

Level Galactic

Full Power

He reaches his full potential . He gains reality warping and immunity to any forms of power below universal power increases 5000 fold

Level Universal

Note: Ice Age is not any normal hero . He's a Glacientite . A race that took on Hellians . Do not underestimate his power . He will show you the true meaning of a cool superhero

Notable Victories:

Flamer , Khreap , Cataclysm , Hyper thrust, Gladium , Leopard King

Notable Losses:

Fire Damon , Star Storms , The Spirit , The Machine