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Marvel Cinematic Universe

Kasius's History

Kasius was the leader of the Kree Watch and overseer of the Lighthouse, ruling over the remains of Earth, decades after its destruction. He had all but enslaved the almost extinct human race to ensure that Inhumans could still be bred and sold for profit. However, Kasius grew tired of ruling over what remained of Earth and its population so he devised his plan to destroy humanity once he had amassed enough of a personal fortune. When Deke Shaw sold Quake to him, he then decided to focus his efforts on reselling her to the highest bidder, inadvertently allowing all of Quake's allies to rescue her, causing a Rebellion. This failure caused Kasius to break down, as he killed his brother and attempted to kill every human. Once all of Kasius' plans failed and Sinara, his closest ally, was also killed, he chose to drink the Odium and battle Alphonso Mackenzie. Kasius eventually lost his final battle and was finally killed by Mackenzie.