===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====

Kaziklu Bey

Wilhelm Ehrenburg


Kaziklu Bey's powers and abilities

Yetzirah : Qlipoth Bacikal

Qliphoth Backikal Wilhelm's Holy Relic. It is the crystalized blood of Vlad Tepes III, also known as Vlad the Impaler. The Holy Relic takes the form of the blood that flows through Wilhelm's veins, which he can crystalize into stakes which he can either use as Melee weapons of fire off as projectiles.

Briah : Der Rosankavalier Schwarzwald

Der Rosenkavalier Schwarzwald is Wilhelm's Hadou-type briah. When activated Wilhelm turns into a vampire, and the area within 500 meters around him becomes night (complete with a fake moon) regardless of the time of day. Wilhelm is able to absorb the energy of everything inside his area of effect, both weakening his opponent and increasing his own power and regeneration.



Intelligence100 IQ

Super Powers
