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Kid Flash

Iris West

Kingdom Come

Kid Flash's History

Iris West was the daughter of Wally West, the Flash. Like him, she became Kid Flash.

She was constantly annoyed by the fact that her father, who had almost completely given up his life to patrol Keystone City non-stop, never made time for her, although he did make time for her lazy brother Barry, who had the same powers but wanted no part in superheroics. She was eventually recruited to try stopping a madman named Gog from altering her history by Rip Hunter along with several other heroes of her generation - Ibn al Xu'ffasch, Batman's son; Nightstar (Nightwing and Starfire's child) and Offspring, the son of Plastic Man - before discovering it to be unnecessary due to Hypertime.

She was later a member of a group comprising the children of the original five Titans: herself; Nightstar; Donna Troy's son Darkstar; the Red Hood, Arsenal and Cheshire's daughter; and Tula, Tempest's daughter. They returned to the present in various Hypertimelines to save the existence of Donna Troy from Dark Angel.

Later she is recruited by Bruce Wayne to join his Silent Cavalry. They infiltrate Lex Luthor's Mankind Liberation Front and once they discover that Luthor is brainwashing Captain Marvel, they attack and incarcerate the MLF members.