===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====

King Kobra

Eugene Everman

King Kobra's powers and abilities

King Kobra has a number of powers and abilities thanks to his newfound biology;

Natural Weapons

King Kobra has access to a long snakelike body that can easily envelop and crush enemies. He has large fangs that produce a highly corrosive and highly potent venom that consists of cytotoxins and neurotoxins. He also has large sharp claws on his hands and long sharp spines protruding from his back and around his Cobra-like hood.

King Kobra's body is incredibly durable, and it only helps that his skin is covered in a thick layer of tough scales.

King Kobra has super strength.


King Kobra is able to hypnotize humans into becoming followers of his crime-cult through his eyes.


King Kobra can withstand temperatures up to as hot as the surface of the sun.

King Kobra has an incredibly mental fortitude. The reptilian influences on his brain combined with his incredible intelligence make it very difficult and even potentially uncomfortable to attempt telepathics on his mind.

King Kobra is immune to mind control effects.

King Kobra's weaknesses

King Kobra has a lower than average stamina due to his longer and bigger body. In addition, King Kobra is highly vulnerable to the cold due to his cold-blooded nature.