Klingon Bird-of-Prey
K'vort-class, B'rel-class, D12 class, Class 5
History of Klingon Bird-of-Prey
The Klingon Bird-of-Prey was a type of warship utilized by the Klingon Empire serving the Klingon Defense Forces from the late 23rd century into the late 24th century. This type of craft, initially descended from its counterpart from a century earlier, was one of the most versatile warships employed by the Empire, serving a variety of mission roles, including that of a scout, raider, patrol ship, and cruiser. For nearly a century, the Bird-of-Prey proved to be a rugged, sturdy design that saw continuous use, in that they were much like their Federation counterparts the Excelsior- and Miranda-class starships, whose usefulness out-lived contemporaries such as the Constitution II-class cruiser.
Klingon Bird-of-Prey is also known as; K'vort-class, B'rel-class, D12 class, Class 5