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Kundakei's History

The Kundakei now presumed extinct once had their home on the nightmare planet of Acheron, limited information suggests the Kundakei lived for Thousands of years in the warmer northern hemisphere unaware of the Looming threat of Acherons other native species, it's unknown when the war began between the Kundakei and the Tyrannizers but it's believed it ended with compete annihilation of all the Kundakei and with them unable to kill a single Tyrannizer, despite this The Kundakei were a formidable foe hosting a range of abilities and powers alongside extreme durability and a once thought unbreakable will, another strength was the still legendary to this day Kundakei weaponry which is still heavily saught after across the universe, developed during the war with the Tyrannizer these weapons and gadgets possesed great innovation and stopping power but very small number ever left the planet so coming across one today is extremely rare.