===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====

Leopard King

Pardus Caliph

Leopard King's weapons

Sword of Death/Blade of Death Capable of killing low level healers or strong warriors it is made of the tooth of the entity of absolute death . It is around the durability of Diamonds times 500 . Hetan the Sword of Hell a great weapon. It is the only other weapon that can match The Ancestral Sword in terms of Power . It has even pierced through beings such as Tyton or Rather Spirit. Magista A blade giving to him by nine other than Koritsi the Damon of Magic . It is capable of any magical power and can destroy a planet with a single strike

Leopard King's equipment

Brolium Armor His suit of armor is made of Brolium. Although not nearly as durable as Stour n . It is able to absorb energy blasts and radiation. Armor of a King When he drinks the potion he is given the armor of a King . Being made of Uein. Storm Suit When he became Star Storms he is given the suit of armor simply known as Storm. It is able to absorb electricity and shoot it back . It can withstand damage on universal levels and is made of a Uein-Stourn alloy . Hell Armor It is the armor given to him when he gave up his soul to Hell Father . It is Invincible to any physical attacks and can only be pierced or damaged by Holy weapons .
No equipment or weapons connected to Leopard King