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Mason Greyback

Wizards of Waverly Place

Mason Greyback's History

Early Life

Born in London 300+ years ago, Mason Greybeck is the son of Linda and Grant Greybeck and has always been pressured by his parents to date only werewolves. ("Alex Meets The Parents") Mason is a purebred werewolf, unlike one of Justin's ex-girlfriends Isabella, who is apparently a mutt. ("Wizards vs. Werewolves") Mason is shown to be a great artist, just like his love interest, Alex. ("Alex Charms a Boy")

When Mason was living in London, he dated Justin Russo's girlfriend, Juliet van Heusen. Mason and Juliet were apparently in love, but somehow lost contact and haven't spoken in over three hundred years. ("Wizards vs. Werewolves") He also has a fear of clowns.

Sometime prior to the events of the series, his family immigrated to New York City for unknown reasons.

Season 2

Mason is first mentioned by the Harper from the future when she asks Alex if Mason broke up with her yet. This foreshadows future events when Alex and Mason have a continuous on and off relationship during seasons three and four. Harper most likely thought that the time period was in between the time Mason was transformed into a wolf. ("Future Harper")

Season 3

Mason is first physically seen in Alex's art class as a new transfer student from London. Alex and Mason quickly fall in love and start a relationship with a romantic montage. Alex accidentally insults a dog painting he made, but with the help of Harper, she convinces him it wasn't an insult. Alex later gets annoyed when Mason starts wanting to paint Alex as a dog, so instead, she uses a magic conch shell to make Mason think of Alex as his muse, his inspiration. The spell goes too far and Mason is unable to do anything but paint portraits of Alex. Harper and Jerry convince Alex to take the spell off Mason if she really loves him. Alex does so and they passionately kiss in the rain. ("Alex Charms a Boy")

Two months later, Alex and Mason are still dating, but Mason always quickly leaves the Sub Shop at night, which makes Alex think he has another girlfriend. Alex and Harper follow Mason one night and learn he's a werewolf. Alex reveals that she's a wizard, they hug, and they are both happy. Alex reveals Mason's secret to her family, but Justin is still depressed over losing Juliet. Mason reveals to Justin that he can track her down if he can smell her scent. Mason, Alex, Justin, and Max track Juliet back to a castle in Transylvania where they kill the mummy and free Juliet. Mason and Juliet realized that they used to date, Mason accidentally tells Juliet that he never stopped loving her. Alex is heartbroken and breaks up with him. Juliet chooses to be with Justin and the two wizards and vampire flash out. Max tries to stay friends with Mason, but Alex and Justin flash him out as well. Mason shows up at the Sub Station later on and begs Alex for forgiveness, as werewolves are loyal and impulsive and he doesn't really love Juliet. Alex agrees to go back to Transylvania with Mason so he can find the true love necklace and prove he loves her. Justin, Juliet, and Max follow Alex and Mason back to Transylvania. While Alex searches for the necklace, Mason gets into a fight with Justin, until Juliet buds in and a fight leads between the werewolf and the vampire. Mason scratches Juliet which makes her wings disappear. Juliet retaliates and bites Mason which turns him into a wolf. Alex finds the necklace and puts it on Mason, proving he loves her. Mason reveals to Alex that they can't be together now because when a vampire bites a werewolf, the werewolf turns into a wolf forever. Juliet reveals to Justin that when a werewolf scratches a vampire, the vampire loses their vampire powers forever. Mason and Juliet are forced to break up with Alex and Justin. Alex and Justin watch as Mason turns into a wolf and Juliet turns into an old woman. Mason and Juliet both leave for the Transylvania woods, leaving Alex and Justin heartbroken. ("Wizards vs. Werewolves")

After a long line of absences, Mason finally returns when Alex sees a wolf on TV that paints portraits of a mysterious girl. Alex realizes that the mysterious wolf is Mason, and she, Justin, and Max track him down to a trailer with country wizards living in it. The country wizards use magic hillbilly instruments and turn Mason back into his human form. Alex is excited that she can reunite with her true love until the country wizards transform Mason back into a wolf. Alex makes a deal with the country wizards to give her Mason, in exchange for their portal. Justin and Max are against this, but Alex ignores them. The country wizards and Mason go back to the Russo's lair where Alex tricks the country wizards into a fake portal where they're lost somewhere in another dimension. The wizards take their deal back and make Mason a wolf again, but Justin uses a wand app to translate what Mason is trying to tell them. Mason reveals that if they place the magic instruments, they can make Mason a human/werewolf again. The Russo's play the instruments, but when they forget one, they only make Mason into his half-human/half-werewolf form. Alex and Mason get back together, but Alex tries to not be seen in public with Mason because of his look. Alex reluctantly takes Mason to Zeke's party where everyone stares at them. Mason leaves the party when he learns that Alex finds him embarrassing. Alex makes up with him and they have a spotlight dance. Justin finds the final piece to the magic instruments, the mouth harp, Justin plays it and turns Mason back into his original self. ("Wizards Unleashed")

With Alex and Mason back together, Harper and Zeke plan a double date for them. Zeke takes Mason out to get some cologne since he smells like a dog (Zeke is unaware of Mason being a werewolf). After Mason and Zeke leave the Sub shop, a secret government agency captures the Russo's. Later on, Mason returns to the Sub Shop where Harper tells him what happened. Mason decides to tell Professor Crumbs so he can fix everything. Later on, the government agency captures Mason, Professor Crumbs, Chancellor Tootietootie, and rest of the wizard world residents. Professor Crumbs gives Alex a coodie catcher to make four duplicates of her family. The original Russo's, Mason, and Chancellor Tootietootie escape from the government facility and are forced to walk home since the magic is shut off. ("Wizards Exposed")

Season 4

After days of walking home, the Russo's and Mason finally get back to the Sub Station which Harper has boarded up. Mason tries to cheer up Alex when she's worried about all the other wizards that are trapped in the government facility. Alex has Mason eat all the meat for the Sub Station so she has an excuse to send her parents out of the house. Alex and Mason have a group of TV reporters come to Waverly Place where they reveal wizardry, and Mason reveals he's a werewolf. All of a sudden, the news reporters disappear, and Professor Crumbs appears. The entire government facility was all just a spell created by Professor Crumbs, and Alex and Mason just attempted to expose wizardry. Professor Crumbs has Alex, Justin, and Mason on trial, and Alex and Justin are demoted back to level one in the wizard competition. ("Alex Tells the World")

Since Alex has been demoted back to level one in the wizard competition, Alex drops out so she can put all of her time into her relationship with Mason. Mason and Alex are enjoying their new free time with one another until Chancellor Tootietootie flashes in on them and reveals that if Alex isn't going to be in the wizard competition, and she's going to be a mortal, then they have to break up. Alex and Mason are both heartbroken, so they plan to change Chancellor Tootietootie's mind. Alex, Mason, Harper, and the other Russo's are invited to a yacht party, so Alex and Mason invite Chancellor Tootietootie so he can see how good of a couple Alex and Mason are. Chancellor Tootietootie agrees to change the rule so Alex and Mason can be together, but he changes it back after Alex gets revenge on Lisa Cucuy by making Mason transform into a werewolf and chase her off the boat. Alex and Mason ultimately break up but agree to stay friends since there is no law against that. ("Alex Gives Up")

Alex and Mason are having trouble just being friends, they even have Harper sit in between them at the movies. Alex and Mason both deny that they're having trouble just being friends, however, when Alex's ex-boyfriend, Dean Moriarty returns, Mason's jealousy gets the best of him. After Alex and Dean play a game of skee-ball, Dean goes back into the Sub Station where Mason lashes out and eats him. Alex, Harper, and Mason go to get help from Justin, and he says that they'll have to go inside Mason to get Dean out. Alex, Justin, and Max shrink down and have Mason swallow them so they can rescue Dean. After the Russos rescue Dean, and he wakes up, he asks Alex to get back together. Alex rejects him, saying that she has a boyfriend- Mason. Dean agrees to back off, and Alex and Mason get back together because Alex decides to get back into the wizard competition. ("Journey to the Center of Mason")

Alex finally decides that she wants to meet Mason's parents since they've been dating for a while now. Mason is against this, but Alex makes him agree. Mason hires fake parents, Bill, and Molly from the craft store, but Alex soon learns Mason is lying. Mason agrees to take Alex to his parent's cave for the Autumn Moon Feast. Mason has Alex and Harper transform themselves into werewolves as Mason's parents aren't very excepting of him dating non-werewolves. Alex destroys the entire feast, but Mason's parents think she is a unique werewolf. Alex finally transforms herself back into a wizard, and Mason's entire family is shocked. Linda and Grant tell Mason that they're excepting of Alex, but they will have to eat her since she destroyed all their food. Alex and Mason run out of the cave before the werewolves can. Alex decides since Mason's real parents tried to eat her, she'll get to know his fake parents, Bill and Molly. ("Alex Meets The Parents")

Mason starts acting very suspicious around Alex, and he even skips out on plans they've made. Alex wins tickets to a beast bowl where the host, Chase Riprock flirts with Alex. Mason bails on plans to go to the beast bowl with Alex, and she takes comfort in Chase. Harper finds Mason at Tribeca Prep where she reveals Chase is trying to steal his girlfriend. Harper asks why Mason has been ignoring Alex, and he reveals that he has been working on an art sculpture of the two of them for their anniversary. Harper thinks it's really romantic, but he needs to get it to her quick. Mason shows up at the beast bowl where Alex and the beast are in a fight. Mason goes to save Alex, but the beast knocks him out. Chase saves Alex, but she is more grateful to Mason. Mason gives Alex their anniversary gift, and she loves it. ("Beast Tamer")

Alex wins Wizard of the Year and Alex and Mason plan to go to the Awards Ceremony together as a couple. However, when Mason isn't with Alex, Chase comes to the lair and flirts with Alex. The wizard paparazzi barges in and makes it look like Alex and Chase are secretly dating. Mason sees this, gets jealous, and accuses Alex of cheating on him. Alex tells him to stop but he doesn't and storms out of the lair. Alex tries calling Mason several times but he stands her up. At the ceremony, Mason arrives late, then sees Chase sitting next to Alex. Mason turns into a werewolf and he and Chase fight and wreck everything. Alex is pressured by Chase and Mason on who she wants to be with, and she chooses neither. She tells Mason that she loves him but she can't be with someone who doesn't trust her. She tells Chase that she can't date him after just breaking up with Mason. (Wizard of the Year)

Alex moves out of her parents' house to live in an apartment shared with Harper. She then discovers that she lives in the same apartment as Mason. She throws a welcoming party and tries to avoid Mason, but he won't leave her alone. He tells her that he will do anything to win her back and that he isn't giving up on them this easily. (Wizards of Apartment 13B)

Mason keeps trying to get Alex back but she tells him that he should move on because she doesn't want a boyfriend right now. He then takes Alex's other roommate, Lucy, on a date to make Alex jealous. Alex then gets stuck in the Bermuda Triangle and he goes to save her. They smile at each other, implying that Alex may still have feelings for Mason. (Ghost Roommate)

Mason is still trying to get Alex back but she continues to ignore him. Mr. Larritate, who is living in their apartment building, turns into a zombie. They turn him back into a zombie and are forced to square dance together to catch Mr. Larritate. When they are alone in the substation, Alex kisses Mason and Mason suggests that they just be friends. However, they get back together after Alex realizes that they are too good together to stay broken up. (Get Along, Little Zombie)

Gorog returns and Mason is taken with Gorog and is separated from Alex. He declares that if Alex is trapped, so is he. They are then reunited, but Mason is under Gorog's evil spell. Mason convinces Alex to join the dark side and she joins because she loves Mason. Alex, Max, and Justin then destroy Gorog and Mason is released from the spell. Mason calls Alex his "hero." (Wizards vs. Everything)

Mason and Alex are forced to break up when Alex "loses" the final Wizard Competition. However, Justin admits that Alex ran back to help him during the competition, making her the real winner. She and Mason get back together. (Who Will Be The Family Wizard)

Justin's friend, Dominic flirts with Alex in front of Mason and Mason gets extremely jealous. Alex promises Mason that nothing will ever happen between her and Dominic. Mason then realizes that now their relationship is between them and her wand, making him angry and he leaves her to think. Alex then casts a spell to make two of her; a good Alex and a bad Alex. Dominic, who is revealed to be bad, and Evil Alex hug and Mason thinks Alex is cheating on him. Evil Alex then traps him in her bracelet but Good Alex finds him and releases him. Alex is then put in prison but Mason breaks her free and saves her. Out of jealousy, Mason pushes Dominic off the Leaning Tower of Piza. Alex and Mason hug and walk off after Alex is not convicted guilty. (The Wizards Return: Alex vs. Alex)

It is inferred that Alex and Mason start a family together in the future.