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Phoebe Frost

The Gifted

Phoebe Frost's History

Phoebe was one of five mutant clones created by a lab funded by Creed Financial. For years, Phoebe and her sister clones were instructed to use their telepathic abilities in service of the lab's anti-mutant agenda. During these "exercises", two of the sisters were left behind as leverage to coerce the other three into complying.

In 2009, when the sisters were 13 years old, Phoebe, Sophie, and Esme were ordered to extract information from the mind of a captured mutant. After they completed this task, Phoebe and her sisters decided to turn against their captors and used their powers to orchestrate a brutal slaughter. However, they were unable to save their sisters Mindee and Celeste, who were killed by shocks generated by the inhibitor collars on their necks. Phoebe, Sophie, and Esme felt the agony of their sisters' death, and at some point after this incident, they joined the Hellfire Club.

Two months prior to Exploited, Phoebe's sister, Esme, using the fake name Stacy, went undercover as a staff member for Senator Montez during one of his rallies. She asked him if she could attend some of the meetings along with him, and he agreed. After he went back talking to his campaign manager, Esme was interrupted by a telepathic warning from Phoebe and their other sister, Sophie, who told her to get out of there, as Sentinel Services had arrived at the rally looking for them. Esme ran outside and into the crowd, trying to escape as her sisters continued to yell at her telepathically in unison.

Esme escaped however Phoebe and Sophie were taken into custody by Sentinel Services and imprisoned at a facility although the sisters psychic link wasn't broken which lead Esme to beginning planning a massive mutant prison breakout with the intend to recuse her sisters.