===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====



Primo's powers and abilities

Primo's primary power is his ability to interact and manipulate machinery and electronics, also know as technopathy. This allows him to control and monitor any number of robots and machines, notably Ghost, the Guard Robot, and the Diablo, without ever typing or directly interacting with the machinery in question, this could also explain why punching Bruno had a powerful effect on Bruno. This interaction is further exemplified in Episode 107, when Primo is able to interface and merge directly into the T-666 Terrible Omen. The physical merge as well as his subsequent destruction following his defeat by "Shooting Star Dragon" shows that part of the secret to his ability as a technopath is that he is an android himself.

Like Lester and Jakob, Primo is capable of inflicting real damage to the players during a Duel through a the use of a white band of light shaped like an infinity symbol, that appears on the road.

In episode 108, Primo shows to some extent, control over the weather as he unleashes a lightning storm onto Neo Domino City. The storm knocked out the power to the entire city, and later, Primo would take the storm one step further in another attempt to stop Yusei by having "Wisel" create a tornado.