===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====

Red Flare


Red Flare's powers and abilities


Cauldorian Physiology As a Cauldorian, Red Flare is naturally resistant to extreme heat due to their planet being the second closest celestial body to their sun. Cauldorians have a unnamed cellular organ that can absorb and store heat for vital nutrients and energy for their body to function correctly. Cauldorians has no sweat glands since their race don't have any reasons for cooling down.

Hetan Gene Red Flare carries a gene given to her by her mother to aid Red Star in battles.

  • Flight With the Hetan Gene Red Flare is capable of flight. She learned great aerobatic skill such as hovering, flying backwards, and fighting while in mid-flight from her brother. Red Flare is also capable of lifting heavy objects while flying.

  • Heat Energy Projection One of Red Flare's primary powers is the ability to project extremely powerful beams of heat energy from her hands and eyes. She can also use all of her stored energy to create a very powerful thermal explosion.

  • Heat Generation Red Flare can range in temperature from 36°C to 5,000,000°C.

  • Superhuman Strength Red Flare has the means of superhuman strength which makes her more than capable to fend off others with brute strength.

  • Superhuman Speed Red Flare speed has been recorded to be faster than the speed of sound.

  • Nigh Invulnerability Red Flare is shown to be extremely durable in battle. She is tough enough to take an explosions capable of destroying continents.

  • Heat Sensory Red Flare is capable of sensing the presence of someone by feeling the heat around her.

  • Healing Factor Little Red's body is able to heal faster than a normal human. She's also able to heal much faster when absorbing heat.

  • Heat Transformation Due to the Hetan Gene, Red Flare has been shown to have the ability to slightly change her appearance. When she heats up her body temperature, her skin turns orange also her eyes and hair red. But to keep herself undercover she drops her body temperature to keep her human persona.

Outer Space Adaptation Red Flare is capable of flight in outer space due to her species not needing oxygen to live.

Heat Absorbtion