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Reverse Flash

Eobard Thawne

DC Television Universe


Isaacbobanka07 7 mo 3 d
Reverse Flash
28 months member
@monster can you higher and add:

higher time manipulation resistance to max Thawne became the Reverse-Flash and created his own Speed Force which made him immune to timeline changes, as well as able to avoid detection by other speedsters:

power agumentation and emotional powerup: Gains strength from his host's bad memories, granting him connection to the Negative Speed Force

higher existance erasure: he can erase anyone from the timeline by altering time(such as when he erased joe west)

regenration: base speedster power

vibration manipulation: Eobard has the ability to vibrate any part of his body at different frequencies on command, with varying effects

fire resitance: was able to both withstand and quickly recover from pyrokinetic blasts from Firestorm on multiple occasions

pain suppresion: He is also able to withstand the brutal, frequently occurring punishments he receives in his Iron Heights cell

air manipulation: Using his speed, Eobard can generate air flow as vacuums on various levels. He can create fierce waves and vacuums of air by shaking a body part very fast.

cosmic awerness(low): When existing as a time remnant, Eobard retained memories of his former life masquerading as Wells, as seen when his time remnant self reminisced about working with Cisco and Caitlin. When Barry visited a version of Eobard as Wells, Eobard was quite familiar with Savitar even though Savitar was not part of the original timeline
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
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Salen1110 7 mo 3 d
Reverse Flash
15 months member
@Isaacbobanka07 existence erasure should be blue besides that i agree with the rest
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
Isaacbobanka07 10 mo 27 d
Reverse Flash
28 months member
@monster he is missing existance erasure(was for example able to erase joe) and resurection (as a paradox he ressurects after he died), existance erasure resistance(resurected himself/existed even tho edie killed himself),reality warping (created reverse flash point(creating new reality))
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.