===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====



Riku's powers and abilities

Although not much is known of Riku's abilities, he is regarded as being an extremely powerful individual, acknowledged by Jyūbei and Takechiyo as being a powerful lord, and being deemed capable of easily killing the Shikyō if he actually desired it. Even the extraordinarily powerful demon Kirinmaru, the Ruler of the Eastern Lands, shows great faith in his abilities, Riku being his most trusted retainer.

Great Physical Strength: He has displayed remarkable levels of superhuman strength to easily overpower Tōtetsu, the largest of the Four Perils, casually maintaining a blade-lock with him despite his much larger size and sword and able to easily hold his mouth open to prevent him from devouring him and kick him with enough force to stagger and knock him down, even able to throw his sword with enough force to decapitate him.

Great Durability and Endurance: Riku was resilient enough to survive being impaled by Tōtetsu's projectiles with only little pain and minor bleeding.

Great Speed, Agility and Reflexes: Riku has displayed great speed, able to easily keep up with and pressure Setsuna in a fight despite her own impressive speed.

Master Swordsmanship

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Despite rarely fighting, Riku proved to be an excellent warrior in his own right when pushed, displaying remarkable skill with both hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship, able to make short work of Tōtetsu and quickly push back Setsuna in close combat.

Flight: Riku has the ability to flight to the Windmill of Time to retrieve Rion.

Levitation: Riku is capable of levitating himself off the ground and remaining suspended as well as flying through the air at incredible speeds with ease.

Ash Demonic Shield: Riku use the fully demonic-empowered ashes of Tōga to protect his "madam" Zero from Moroha's Crimson Backlash Wave.

Hydro-Cryokinesis: At one point, he utilized his elemental abilities over water to freeze the surrounding sea into solid ice to save Towa from falling prey to the inconsolable snake-demon spirit from afar.