===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====


Unru' Teppe-fon

Siempre's powers and abilities

*Note, this is all subject to change at anytime

Unru' Teppe-Fon Is a supreme being with many abilities that are what some can consider unimaginable. This will list some of the more notable powers at its command.

Supreme Negation and Nullifying: This ability is quite possibly its most useful. This ability allows Unru' Negate any sort of defenses and or advantages the enemy has over it. It also allows the nullifying of any ability the enemy has against it. As Unru' has this ability at its command makes it almost impossible if not impossible to even attack it.

Dimensional Creation: This allows Unru' to create an infinite amount of dimensions at infinite sizes. Unru' is able to make any type of dimension as needed. Just as it created the infinitely large void dimension that decays anything inside of it. Unru' can even house entire multiverses or omniverses in these dimensions of its.

Aura Barrier: This ability projects an "aura" that keeps any physical attack from making contact. It also provides as a normal shield against non-physical attacks.

Intelligence and speed: Its intelligence is unrivaled by any and everything. The intelligence is as vast as the infinite voids it can create. Its speed is so fast that not even other supreme beings would see it.

Immunity: It specifically has natural immunity to time manipulation, corruption, reality warping, and erasure.

Siempre's weaknesses

There are no such weaknesses that is able to hurt this boundless creature except for possibly another being with superior omnipotence to it



Intelligence200 IQ

Super Powers
