===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====


Frank Hoag

Sludge's powers and abilities

Powers/Abilities: Sludge has superhuman strength (Class 25-50) and a large body composed of a malodorous slime-like material, which dripped from his body constantly. While he can be injured and made to bleed, he recovers from most assaults in time. He can even regenerate severed limbs, though this can take a couple hours. He does not need to breathe, though he usually does choose to eat. Sludge's thought processes were altered such that he had a difficult time thinking and speaking coherently. He almost always used the wrong word in a sentence, sometimes several times, and it often seemed to involve some sort of unconscious slip. Certain magical energies, usually derived from the Godwheel, such as those of Lord Pumpkin and the Zuke, were capable of partially restoring his humanity, though the effect was always only temporary.

    Sludge exuded an unidentified chemical from his body that fused, warped, and/or distorted flesh on contact. This process was painful, and sometimes fatal, to his victims. He eventually learned how to hurl some of his slime at others, melting and/or fusing their flesh at a distance.