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These are the 50 latest comments made by sparetherod665

75 months member
Warlock Adam Warlock knows all 6 Infinity Jewels better than thanos, possesses and has a great deal of knowledge about the Soul Jewel, plus he already has defeated and helped to defeat his old friend many times. The only reason thanos is still alive is that Death likes to keep screwing with him so she brings him back.
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
75 months member
Phoenix Phoenix Force is winner not Jean Grey. Power Cosmic allows SS to absorb energy, he can phase out, plus his skin is very nearly invulnerable. Jean Grey cannot beat SS, not even with Phoenix Force. However, SS is not cosmically ESSENTIAL. Phoenix is. That's why Galactus couldn't/wouldn't kill her.
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
75 months member
Franklin Richards Richards can create entire universes. He can change both reality and matter at will. He and Galactus are the last two living things at the end, billions of years in the future. Franklin Richards = Michael Jordan, Mr. Mxyzptlk = some kid "shooting" balled up paper into the trashcan
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.