===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====

Steve (Creative Mode)




amaltaas 3 mo 11 d
Steve (Creative Mode)
6 months member
@Tigerking2020, since monster is gone for the week, can I edit? Added the powers below, and changed the color of a few others
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
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Tigerking2020 3 mo 11 d
Steve (Creative Mode)
56 months member
Looks ok
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
amaltaas 3 mo 14 d
Steve (Creative Mode)
6 months member
Missing powers:
Life Manipulation: /kill, /ban
Power Bestowal up to purple: /ability, /i forget the name, but it exists
Power Augmentation, Power Modification up to purple: /bossbar
Perspective Manipulation: /camera, /camershake
Statistics Reduction up to purple: /clear
Pain Manipulation: /damage
Information Analysis: the tutorial that comes up after doing stuff
Vehicular Mastery: fully capable of operating a boat singlehandedly, and a minecart
Telepathy up to blue/grey: doing /whisper to communicate only using the mind from as far away as you want
Resurrection up to purple/blue: /pardon
Audio Manipulation: /playsound, jukebox, /stopsound
Underwater Breathing up to purple: Creative mode means you can stay in water as long as you want
Swimming: All Steves are capable of swimming
Throwing Proficiency blue/purple: Can throw snowballs/eggs accurately
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.