===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====


Horseman Of Pestilence

Subject-7236's History

# Horseman of Pestilence

## Classification:

**Tier**: Omega-2

**Security Measures**: Level 5 Biohazard Containment Protocol

## Physical Description:

The "Horseman of Pestilence" is depicted as a menacing figure mounted on a horse, shrouded in a haze of decay. The entity wields a flail-like instrument, emanating a miasma of disease and corruption.

## Special Containment Procedures:

Direct containment of the "Horseman of Pestilence" is not possible. The entity is subject to a Level 5 Biohazard Containment Protocol, which includes remote monitoring and the deployment of disease control measures. Regions of manifestation are quarantined and subjected to rigorous decontamination procedures.

## Behavior and Abilities:

The "Horseman of Pestilence" is associated with the spread of virulent diseases and epidemics. Its presence catalyzes the rapid proliferation of pathogens, leading to outbreaks of illness in affected areas.

## Incident Log:

### Incident Pestilence-A:

On [REDACTED], an emergence of the entity in [REDACTED] corresponded with a sudden outbreak of a previously unknown and highly contagious respiratory virus.

### Incident Pestilence-B:

On [REDACTED], plants and animals within a 10-kilometer radius of the entity's last known location exhibited signs of accelerated disease progression and subsequent ecological collapse.

## Research Notes:

Dr. [REDACTED]: "The 'Horseman of Pestilence' brings forth plagues that could potentially decimate populations if not controlled. Understanding the nature of its contagion is critical."

## Weakness:

Currently, no weakness is known. The "Horseman of Pestilence" seems to be an embodiment of disease and decay, rather than a being that can be combated with conventional means.

## Addendum:

The Foundation has developed specialized pathogen research units to study the aftermath of the entity's appearances. Advanced warning systems are in place to alert of potential manifestations, and rapid response teams are on standby to contain and study any new diseases that may arise from these events.