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Jeanne D'Arc

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica

Tart's powers and abilities

Soul Gem

Tart, like all magical girls, posses a soul gem on her chest which protects her from fatal blows.

In her final form where she combines with Riz, her soul gem, though polluted, does not turn into a grief seed.

Defensive Power

Tart has high defensive power, according to her profile.

In her second form, she has armor over more places, increasing her defense.

She defends herself against a cannonball in addition to several of Fleche's arrows.

Offensive Power

Tart has high offensive power as well, often shooting out large rays of magic which are quite powerful but use up most of her magic.

She slices Fleche's witch in half.

Tart destroys the barrier of a witch in a single blow, destroying some of the Keep's wall in the process.

Healing Powers

In her first form, Tart has the standard healing power of a magical girl, though, as with all her skills, it was improved by Riz's wish.

When Corbeau used her Danse Macabre attack, which spread the plague to the French soldiers, Tart created a magical circle in the sky, raining feathers and purifying all. This power healed the entire army, surpassing even Sayaka Miki's healing skills.449px-Tart magic seal.jpg


Tart originally created swords from her magic, which wasted a lot of magic.

After meeting Pernelle, the other magical girl gave her Épée de Clovis, a sword forged with magical metal and housed in the church of Saint Catherine. This allowed Tart to let out her magic in smaller amounts.

After Melissa's wish, Tart is able to summon a flag standard which she used to fire the attack La Lumiere.


Gates of Heaven- An attack similar to Riz's Gates of Hell, only made possible when she possesses Riz's soul gem. It seals the enemy away.


Tart was called this after writing out her name and showing it to Kyubey, As she didn't know how to write, she accidentally wrote her name wrong, and Kyubey declared he would call her Tart.

Her powers are so strong because Riz wished to create a true hero. Tart was this hero.

She is extremely lightweight when it comes to drinking and even one glass causes her to jump on Melissa and tell her not to become a magical girl.

If not for Melissa's wish, she would have died after Fleche's arrow.