===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====



The Backrooms

Terminus's History

The Terminus, also known as Argos is an ambiguous, humanoid entity, that appears to have powers comparable to a God, and resides purely in the Oxygen Ocean of the Backrooms. The exact location of the entity is unknown, though, is speculated to be an infinite distance away from the Backrooms as a whole. Descriptions of the entity have varied, and those lucky enough to have witnessed the entity and to have survived, report him looking different. Though, in general: The Terminus is a 1609 Meter (1.6 KM) tall entity, wearing large decorative robes that seem to end in a reddish brown mist, and a large singular eye, connected by a very long neck. The entity appears to have no head or other facial features, and its hands are entirely devoid and are instead replaced with, what looks to be fire. The Entity for the most part, is stationary, and resides around a large amount of rocks and other debris that noclips into the Void. Generally these floating rocks are where most people land when visiting the entity. However on occasion people end up around the Void Star, or extremely close to the entity. The Drighten seem to frequently visit Terminus, and it is often the only time the group seems to all get along with each other, either signifying some other force that pacifies them, or simply because they must behave. Its recommended to not interact with them at all, as it will cause either instant death or suffering, even for relatively friendly ones like The Warden. As the Drighten visit the entity, its safe to assume that The Terminus is either a member of the group, or the leader of such.