===== SHDB TEST SERVER =====

The Green Hornet

Britt Reid

The Green Hornet

The Green Hornet's weapons

Hornet�??s sting: This is a rebuilt Mauser C96 which delivers a large electrical jolts �?? essentially miniature lightning.�??This was built by Rusty, though it was Kato who found the trick to make it work.The finalized version of the sting thus shoots a cloud of electrically conductive gas (released from one of the capsules under the barrel and made up of nitrogen, oxygen and helium) and immediately follows with the lightning.�??Though short-ranged this is a potent weapon, and almost anybody caught in the electrified gas will be shocked unconscious.The battery can deliver eight arcs, but the carousel under the barrel can only hold four gas capsules. The carousel is presumably cycled through a sort of lever action on the side of the gun. The gun is kept in a custom shoulder holster. Black Beauty: The Beauty is a powerful custom-built coupé.�??The carbon-steel-reinforced body is proofed against small arms fire at least up to .45 ACP and 12-gauge buckshot.�??The windshield is a layered blend of glass and polychromatic film that can stop most handgun rounds. It can be driven in darkness �?? the headlights can emit deep green light, and the windshield�??s filter makes this illumination visible, albeit monochromatic.�??To outside observers only a slight glow is visible. There are dispensers in the rear loaded with a smokescreen (green, of course), caltrops (�??tyre mines�?�) and oil (mentioned by not used during the story). The front bumper is magnetised and reinforced �?? by rear-ending another car it is possible to have it stick to the Beauty�??s bumper.�??Usually the impact and the shape of the bumper will slightly raise the other vehicle, which is important since most cars back then were rear-wheel drives.�??A RWD car stuck to the front of the Beauty is helpless.�??The magnetism can be engaged and disengaged at the touch of a button. It's concealed weapons include a flame thrower, front stinger missiles and 30 mm caliber machine guns.

The Green Hornet's equipment

The Green Hornets overall costume consists of a long green overcoat, gloves, green fedora hat and green mask, and has enhanced his gadgets and costume over the years. Ballistic vest: This is actually 40 layers of strong silk �?? not an uncommon method to stop arrows and small blades.�??The Hornet will still feel the full impact, but a bullet is unlikely to actually penetrate. Reid�??s vest is seen stopping what is stated to be a .32 round, though given the look of the revolvers firing it I assume it meant .32-20 ammunition, a Winchester light hunting rifle round used by some S&W revolvers of the early XXth Century. Surveillance gear: This primarily means binoculars.�??These seemed to have some night-vision capabilities, presumably via large lenses collecting more light.�??Stethoscopes were also often employed to listen through doors and thin walls. Grappling hook and ropes: The grappling hook is not meant to support the weight of two men, and the Hornet and Kato normally use it one after the other.�??The Hornet sometimes carries a double pulley to use a rope set by Kato as a zip-line.�??The Hornet also has lockpicks in his coat.�??In practice Kato is often the one to carry and use the grapnel and ropes, being a better climber than Reid. Calling cards: These 5�?� green discs bear the Green Hornet logo, and seem to be a thin sheet of magnetised metal. Transmitter: This gadget is embedded in one of the Hornet�??s shoes, and can be traced from a couple miles away by a scope built into the Black Beauty.


Black Beauty