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The Keeper

Norrin Radd

Prime Marvel Universe

The Keeper's History

His origin is the same as the original Silver Surfer, he offered himself to become Galactus' herald to spare his homeworld. He still turned against his former master, was bound to Earth, "won a pardon from the world devourer", and left Earth to later return to find Earth being attacked by Martians. in a War of the Worlds. He ended up fighting alongside Dr. Franklin Richards, Captain America, and Dr. Doom against the Martian invaders. Eon had convinced him that it was Earth's Destiny to be conquered, and he left Earth, wracked with guilt, unable to accept his offer. Centuries later, he finally accepted Eon's offer to wear the Quantum Bands, as Protector of the Universe.

While working for Eon, he was sent to Earth to defend it from Galactus once again. He first found Thor (Dargo Ktor), who mistook him for an enemy at first, "but soon came to realize that our cause was the same."

Meanwhile, the other former herald Firelord had intercepted a distress signal that was sent to Radd that his homeworld, Zenn-La, was about to explode, and to his credit sought him out to warn him. Firelord found him in time to help Thor (Dargo Ktor) and Radd to defend Earth from Galactus, who had a new herald, Nova. They combined their powers into one shot, aimed at the planet eater, "but reacting instantly, Nova intercepted the blast -- and was killed!" Apparently Radd was close to Nova, but so was Galactus, who was given pause by her demise. He reabsorbed her cosmic power, making her closer to him in death than life, and vowed to never take a herald again. With the immediate threat mitigated, Firelord told Radd of his message, and they went to his homeworld, Zenn-La, only to be too late, and it exploded into cosmic dust.

After a short mourning period, he placed the blame on Galactus for all the anguish he had felt in his life and sought out to enact retribution on him. He attacked him, with both the quantum bands, and the power cosmic at his command, but still, he was picked off like an insect. It was at this point, that with "righteous fury which had welled in him since the death of Nova" he destroyed his board. He then used his awesome power to strip Radd of his Power Cosmic and his silver sheath. He then flung him to the edge of the Universe, where a Watcher named Aron, saved him, by removing him from the Eternity and the universe. Which is how he and the Quantum Bands escaped the detection of Eon for so long. Aron taught him how to use the Bands to their fullest, and convinced him that Power Cosmic was inside him. "With conviction came acceptance. With acceptance came awareness". With this power, he re-sheathed himself in silver. He now rededicated his life to foiling the world-eater wherever he threatened sentient life. He then re-entered the universe, to first save a world "beyond the Plieades" which is Main Frame's world.

They raced to stop Galactus and found Firelord doing the same, as a Protector of the Universe. Radd used his powers to remove the city from the world that Galactus was targeting, while the Guardians and Firelord tried, in vain to stop Galactus. Just as Firelord was about to be destroyed, The Keeper (Radd) stepped in, to confront Galactus for the last time. They battled, and right as the final blow was about to be dealt to the world-eater, Eon stops him. He then reminds Radd that "it is not the world-eater that you seek to kill, but his killing that you wish to end", and to help Galactus to his feet. Eon then feeds Galactus, satisfying his hunger for now, and convinces Radd to join him once again, not as his herald, but as his equal, to stop him from feeding on worlds that are inhabited by sentient life. As he is leaving with his new partner, he forms his surfboard once again.