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The One From Beyond

The One From Beyond's History

He came from beyond all the known and unknown concepts and ideas of existence and non-existence .

Even though we don't see him but he was,is and will be present in all events shown on screen or written/drawn on paper. No one knows the origin of "The One From Beyond" . He is an omnipotent , omnipresent and an omniscient being for the entire fiction/unreality/imagination/fantasy/mythology which is endless/infinite/never ending and ever more expanding. He sees all and knows all . He exists above all existence and non-existence and all known and unknown concepts/ideas of fiction which includes endless/infinite/never ending and ever more expanding numbers of multiverses,omniverses even empty voids and whatnot from all movies,comics, novels,games,anime,tv series ,the internet(websites) etc. from all cultures. Basically from any source known or unknown. But he has the power of infinite writers . He is above all fictional beings no matter what power they hold. He does not have a specific form . He appears differently at times. Some times as a armoured warrior or a fiery demon or an angel . He sides with the good , he is capable of feats beyond imagination and coprehension. He is not bound by fiction/unreality/imagination/fantasy/mythology or the aspects of the fictional/imaginary/unreal/mythological existence and non-existence . He exists above all there is and isn't . The One From Beyond has supreme author authority over fiction/unreality/fantasy/imagination/mythology. He is the one true supreme being from the beyond and the unknown . He predates all fiction/time/unreality/imagination/fantasy/mythology that existed and ever will exist. He existed even before the most primal beings and the most fundamental of places. He is the first of all and he is unparalleled in powers and feats.

Also read the "Powers and Abilities�?�" of 'The One From Beyond'.