The Spiderman Trilogy or Dark Knight Trilogy?
Created by ManofPower, 6 y 5 d ago.
These two trilogies have brought the modern superhero era. Tobey Maguire and Christian Bale were casted to be the iconic characters Batman and Spiderman . IYO which one was the best!
-Batman Begins - 8
-The Dark Knight - 10
-The Dark Knight Rises - 8.5
= 26.5
-Spider-Man - 8.5
-Spider-Man 2 - 9
-Spider-Man 3 - 5.5
= 23
-Captain America: the First Avenger - 7
-Captain America: the Winter Soldier - 9
-Captain America: Civil War - 9.5
= 25.5
-Iron Man - 9
-Iron Man 2 - 7
-Iron Man 3 - 7
= 23
-Thor - 6
-Thor: the Dark World - 6
-Thor: Ragnarok - 8.5
= 20.5