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The Spirit

Mark Cass

The Spirit's powers and abilities

Intelligence He is highly intelligent due to him being around for a few million years . He has numerous feats of intellect

He discovered a brand new metal and knew just by touching it that it is exactly 5.7 times stronger than steel (Metals called Astrunite by the way)

He was capable of comprehending the existence of God

At first glance he could tell apart exactly identical twins

He created a Anti-Matter device that was capable of destroying the Spirit Realm (Spirit Realm is around 30,000 times bigger than our own universe which the varosverse main continuity universe is around 450 quadrilllion light years across and 50 trillion width)

He figured out 18,000 ways to defeat Hexkor the Punisher in less than 4 seconds

Created portals to reach Heaven , Hell and other Universes within 14 minutes

Reached a I.Q of 3400

Strength He is capable of so much . He has moved Exclipsar the ship used by Trion to destroy worlds . it dwarfs the entire sun .

He can casually grabs blows from powerhouses such as Star Storms , Man of Power and on some occasions Blazar

He helped Star Storms and Doctor Destiny stop the Life Death and Nothingness entity from destroying their world by pushing it with such force that it was pushed back a few hundred million miles (It is around the size of fifty UY Scuti size stars)

He once held a particle of Negative Matter which is the densest particle in the mmultiverse. It is around 13.8 Million Pounds .

Speed Capable of moving at speeds far from the speed of.light . He has traveled across the Earth in a Prestosecond (A made up form of Time that i made . It is one Decillionth of a second)

His mind comprehended fifty speedsters far surpassing the light barrier

He was able to dodge the Beacon of Hell . A Demonic Blast that travels at 45000�? Light

He traveled across the universe in 1/8 of a Millisecond .

Durability He is very durable being able to take blasts from Blazar who is around Skyfather Level . Casually takes hits from Star Storms and Man of Power.

He can survive a blast from Tyton without any major injuries .

Can stand in a nuclear blast around 450 Megatonnes without harm done to him

Power Has punched Fire Damon so hard that a Alternate version of him felt the pain .

Shattered Reality with a single kick .

Faced off against Star Storms and destroyed a Star

Easily punches a asteroid back at Annihilation .

K.O,s Man of Power with a single Punch

Combat Due to his experience of a few million years he trained in all forms of combat and even created his own . He's created the Spirit Form , Froka Tengen and Olen . He is extremely well with these and is considered the best combatant in the Varosverse .

Healing Factor He sorta has a form of Immortality . He cannot die to old age or disease . He can regenerate limbs and organs and even regenerate heads and brains . He is weak only to Hellion Fire , Hell Fire and Holy Fire .

Soul Manipulation He has the ability to manipulate any beings soul . They most powerful being he controlled was Doctor Destiny when she was bloodraged . He also can possess you with this power .

Spirit Essence Made by the soul of God it is nearly indestructible and is capable of Anything . It can transform into a liquid . He got or.cold and even destroy planets . The hardest blast it has ever endured was a full out blast from Blazer who stated he could of destroyed the multiverse with that blast .

Reaction Speed He was able to react to Hyperthrust who stated that Mark reacted within a Minisecond which is 1 Centillionth of a second


Forms Base He can casually defeat galactic busters and even multi Galactic .

Level - Half Universal

Inner Self He wields Valarious the sword of Spiritualism and he becomes more powerful

His Strength Triples , His Speed Is doubled and his Durability is Quadrupled

Level - Low Multiversal

Divinity He gains all the power he can from the Spirit Realm

His Strength is timed by 13000 , His Speed Is times by 1000000 and his Durability is nigh-invulnerable .

Level - Complex Multiversal

True Form In this form he becomes the Spirit Damon A.K.A Father Spirit . He destroyed Father Spirit with ease and all of his Stats increases by 1,000,000,000

Level - High Complex Multiversal

Life Death and Nothingness He absorbs the entity known as Sheranu and becomes the second Life Death And Nothines s entity . He is Nigh-Omnipotent , High-Omniscient and High-Omnipresent

Level - Outerversal

Weaknesses Hell,Holy and Hellion Fire