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TIE Advanced

TIE/ad, TIE Advanced x1, Darth Vader's TIE

History of TIE Advanced

The TIE Advanced x1, or TIE/ad, was an advanced prototype starfighter that was part of the TIE line manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems. Darth Vader notably flew a TIE Advanced x1. As of 4 BBY, the Sith Lord Darth Vader owned and operated an experimental modified early prototype of the TIE Advanced x1, which he piloted into the midst of a rebel fleet in a daring attack that resulted in the destruction of the rebels' flagship, Phoenix Home. He later used it to travel to Malachor to fight his former Padawan, Ahsoka Tano. In 0 BBY, during the Battle of Yavin, Vader again piloted his TIE Advanced x1 to pursue and eliminate the Rebel fighters attacking the first Death Star. He shot down several starfighters until his fighter was unexpectedly knocked out of the battle when a TIE/ln space superiority starfighter collided with it after a surprise attack by the Millennium Falcon. After the collision, Vader spun out of control into space, thereby escaping the destruction of the Death Star. The ship was disabled and left to float in the battle station's debris field, though Vader and his ship were later picked up by a Gozanti-class cruiser piloted by Ciena Ree and Berisse Sai. The TIE Advanced only saw a limited production, but it became a favorite of elite units all the same. An Ace of Storm Squadron flew a TIE Advanced. Other elite Aces from different squadrons also flew the TIE Advanced becoming a favourite amongst them. Following the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance to Restore the Republic provided stolen examples of the craft to Saponza's Gang. Vader continued to fly his TIE Advanced as well.

TIE Advanced is also known as; TIE/ad, TIE Advanced x1, Darth Vader's TIE