what is your best feat?
Created by ultron, 1 y 6 mo 24 d ago.
mine is probably that i walked for 6 hours straight from city to another
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Rajneesh26477 2 mo 10 d
what is your best feat? #
3.37: 1km time, 7.45: 2km time(Was the 2nd best in the entire district at that time), 40m sprint: 5.65 seconds, 26 clean pushups in one go(Can't do it anymoreğŸ˜), 10 pistol squats(each leg), Had been awarded with Bowler of the tournament(If anyone here knows cricket), Won a math olympiad in my district, did 16 pullups in one go in front of my classmates
Last edited: 2 mo 10 d ago.
SmellyMonkeyBoi 1 y 5 mo 20 d
what is your best feat? #
Benching 150 at 14
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.
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Rajneesh26477 2 mo 10 d
what is your best feat? #
Last edited: 2025 y 22 d ago.